2024 SPJFA Board Members!

SPJFA Board Members

Meet Your 2024 SPJFA Board Members

We are a group of friendly, funny and {of course} football crazed people! Feel free to come by and say "hello" if you see us out and about on the fields or at the stadiums.

Bryan Ensley


Shannon Van De Plasch


Michelle Kedrowski


Chelsie Bartlette


Kaelie Merrill


Ryan Kedrowski

Equipment Manager

Chelsea Donnelly

Assistant Equipment Manager

Ashley Brazwell

PR/Social Media Rep

April Howden

Concessions Rep

Cheryl Webster

Fundraising/Sponsorship Coordinator

Jennifer Hargitt

Player/Coach Rep

Nick Anderson

Field Monitor Coordinator

Garrett Acosta

Safety Coordinator

Fun Times With Current and Past Board Members

Brew in the Barn 2023

April, Shannon, Chelsea, Chelsie, Ashley, Cheryl, Lore and Kaelie

Bryan, our president, working hard at

Brew in the Barn!

Chelsie and Cheryl working concessions at

Brew in the Barn

Shannon, our VP, with her parents who came all the way from New Zealand to attend Brew in the Barn!

Our president, Bryan, meeting Cliff McDicken, Snohomish Youth Football President during the 1980s at Brew in the Barn! What an awesome representation of the old and new showing their passion and love for youth football.

Always working hard at the Jamboree

Chelsie, Jamie, and Ashley

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